Simple and easy to use apps for Microsoft® Windows.
Each application is designed to solve a single common problem many users experience.
By splitting each feature into separate applications, users can choose which features they require.
There are only a few options, and those are available via a standard right-click menu on the icon.
The icon of each application can be shown or hidden using a feature already in Windows.
Periodically moves the mouse to keep the system awake and keep your status as 'Available' in applications such as Microsoft Teams.
The mouse is moved in a small rectangle so is not noticeable even if someone else is watching your screen.
Download from StoreIntercepts all formatted text placed on the clipboard and removes all formatting.
Allows all text to be pasted into any document and retain the formatting in the target document.
Coming SoonChange the resolution of each monitor with a single click to make sharing a high-resolution screen easier.
Pre-configure a friendly sharing resolution and switch to and from this with a single click.
Coming SoonApplies an artifical load to the CPU to stress test other parts of the system.
Allows easy testing of how other software behaves in a heavily stressed environment.
Coming Soon